Risk Statement

This notice has been presented to the investors by Exen Markets for the purpose of risk reporting and is accepted as read and understood by the investor. All rights of Exen Markets investors are not shared with third parties for protection and takes the highest level of precautions to protect customer privacy. This disclosure attached to the Retail Customer Agreement and General Terms and Conditions cannot or does not disclose or disclose all risks and other material aspects involved in currency trading and derivatives transactions. Participating in such transactions carries a high risk to your capital and can potentially result in a total loss of that capital. If you would like a more comprehensive understanding of the risks involved, please contact Exen Markets for more information.

Considering the risks, you should not transact in the above-mentioned products unless you understand the nature of the contracts and the contractual legal relationship you are entering. Transactions with currency derivatives are not suitable for many members of the public. You should carefully consider whether you are a good fit for foreign exchange trading in light of your experience, purposes, financial situation and other relevant circumstances.

If in doubt, it is recommended that you seek independent financial advice.

Foreign Exchange and Derivative Transactions Are Very Speculative and Risky

Trading CFDs and Spot FX Contracts is highly speculative and involves a significant risk of loss; may not be suitable for all investors, but may only be suitable for:

(a) Voluntarily accepts the economic, legal and other risks involved;
(b) Experienced and knowledgeable in derivative transactions and underlying asset types; and
(c) It may be financially possible to incur significant losses above margin or deposits, as investors may lose the total value of the contract, not just the margin or deposit.

Neither CFD nor Spot FX Contracts are suitable investments for pension funds. CFD and FX trading are among the riskiest types of investments and can result in huge losses. The risks associated with long CFD positions, in other words, for buyers of CFDs; A Long Term in a CFD means that you buy CFDs by anticipating that the market price of the asset will rise between the trading time. With the open position of the CFD open, as the holder of the long position, you usually make a profit if the market price of the underlying asset rises. On the contrary, if the market price of the underlying asset falls while your CFD open position is open, you will generally incur a loss. Your potential loss may therefore be greater than the initial margin deposited.

In addition, you may incur losses as a result of closing your position when you do not have sufficient liquidity for the margin in your account to maintain an open position. The risks associated with short CFD positions, ie for sellers of CFDs; Being short on a CFD means you are launching CFDs thinking that the market price of the underlying asset will fall between the time of the buy and the sell. As a short position holder, you usually make a profit as the market price of the underlying assets declines while your CFD short position is open.

On the contrary, if the market price of the underlying asset rises while your short position of CFD is open, you will usually incur a loss. Your potential loss may therefore be greater than the initial margin deposited. In addition, you may incur losses as a result of closing your position when you do not have sufficient liquidity for the margin in your account to maintain an open position.

Can High Leverage and Low Margin Cause Quick Losses? High Leverage is a particular feature of both CFD and Spot FX Contracts. The leverage effect makes it riskier than investing in the asset invested in CFDs. This is due to the marginalization system applicable to CFD, where the transaction involves a relatively small deposit; Thus, a relatively small price movement of the underlying asset can have a disproportionately dramatic effect on your trade. This can be both advantageous and disadvantageous. Please note that a small price movement can result in high gains on the deposit, but a small price movement against you can result in significant losses that can exceed the money put in the deposit.

These losses can occur quickly. The greater the buoyancy, the higher the risk. Therefore, leverage partly determines the outcome of the investment. “Leverage” Foreign exchange and derivative transactions carry a high degree of risk. The high degree of “Leverage” usually achieved in foreign exchange and derivatives trading can work against you as well as for you due to volatile market conditions. If the market puts your first deposit at risk; You may be prompted to deposit additional funds at short notice to maintain your position. Failure to comply with a request to deposit additional funds may result in the closing of your position(s) by Exen Markets on your behalf; You are responsible for any resulting loss or omission.

Margin Requirements The client must always maintain a minimum margin requirement on its open positions. It is the Customer’s responsibility to monitor the balance of the account. The Client may receive a margin call to deposit additional cash if the margin on the relevant account is too low. Exen Markets reserves the right to liquidate any or all open positions if the minimum margin requirement is not maintained. This may result in the Client’s CFD or Spot FX Contracts being closed at a loss that will be your responsibility. Conflicts of interest Exen Markets is the counterparty to all Transactions entered into under the Customer Agreement and, therefore, the interests of Exen Markets may conflict with yours.

Our conflict of interest policy is available on Exen Markets’ website. OTC Transactions When selling CFD or Spot FX Contracts with us, these Transactions will not be executed on a recognized or designated investment exchange and are known as OTC (Over-the-Counter) transactions. All positions entered with us will be closed with us and will not be closed with any other assets. OTC transactions can pose a greater risk than investing in currency contracts because there is no short-cut exchange. It may be impossible to liquidate an existing position, assess the value of the position resulting from an OTC transaction, or assess the exposure to risk.

Bid Prices and Prices cannot be quoted by us based on the best applicable enforcement policies in the market and even when they are a party, in particular Exen Markets may make it difficult to set a fair price for the underlying asset when the relevant currency or market is closed or is suspended. There is no guarantee by any other party of any central clearing and payment obligations of Exen Markets to the Customer. Thus, the Client is exposed to credit risk with Exen Markets. The Client should refer only to Exen Markets for the performance of all contracts in the Client’s Account and for the refund of any Margin or Collateral.

Suspension of Trading Under certain market conditions, liquidating a position may be difficult or impossible, increasing the risk of losing. This can happen, for example, when rapid price movements occur when the price of the underlying asset rises or falls during a trading session to such an extent that trading in the underlying asset is limited or suspended. Prices Are Made By Margin and Valuation Executive Brands and May Be Different From Prices Reported Elsewhere Exen Markets will ensure the prices to be used in trading, the valuation of Client positions and the determination of Margin Requirements in accordance with the Trading Policies and Procedures and Market Information Forms. Performance of a CFD or Spot FX Contract will depend on the prices set by Exen Markets and market fluctuations in the underlying asset your contract is associated with.

Therefore, each underlying asset carries certain risks that affect the outcome of the respective CFD. Our given market prices are calculated in reference to the price of the relevant underlying asset that we obtain from third-party external reference sources or exchanges. For our CFD and Spot FX Contracts, we obtain price data from wholesale market participants. Although Exen Markets expects these prices to be logically related to market prices, Exen Markets’ prices may differ from current prices for banks and other market participants. Executive Marketing has significant discretion in setting and collecting Margin. Exen Markets is authorized to convert funds in the Client’s Margin Vault account in such a currency at a rate determined by Exen Markets in its sole discretion, based on the money market rates at the time.

Rights to Underlying Assets You have no rights or obligations to underlying documents or assets related to your CFDs or Spot FX Contracts. The client knows that CFD can hold different underlying assets such as stocks, indices, currencies and commodities.

Currency risk Investing in Spot FX Contracts and CFDs listed in a base currency other than your base currency carry a currency risk because a CFD or Spot FX Contract is issued in a currency other than your base currency; Your return may be affected by its conversion to the base currency. When Exen Markets offers generic market advice, such general advice does not constitute a personal recommendation or investment advice and does not take into account your personal circumstances or investment goals, or solicit an offer to buy or sell or an offer of an offer. Any decision by the Client to enter into a CFD or Spot FX Contract with Exen Markets and any decision as to whether a transaction is appropriate or appropriate for the Client is an independent decision made by the Client.

Exen Markets does not act as an Advisor or serve as an advisor to the Client. The Client assumes that Exen Markets does not have a fiduciary duty with the Client and is not responsible for any liabilities, claims, indemnities, costs and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, arising in connection with the Client following Exen Markets’ generic trading offerings. accepts no liability. Recommendations are not guaranteed. The generic market recommendations provided by Exen Markets are based solely on the judgment of Exen Markets’ staff and should be considered as such. The Customer acknowledges that it has entered into Transactions based on its own judgment. The market recommendations provided are only comprehensive. Exen Markets’ generic market recommendations are based on information believed to be reliable, but Exen Markets does not warrant their accuracy or completeness.

Therefore, such general advice does not reduce or eliminate the risk inherent in trading CFDs and/or Spot FX Contracts. There are no guarantees of profit. There is no guarantee of profit or avoidance of losses when trading CFDs and Spot FX Contracts. The client has received no such assurance from Exen Markets or any of its representatives. The Client is aware of the risks involved in trading CFDs and Spot FX Contracts and can bear these risks financially and withstand any losses incurred. The Customer Cannot Close Open Positions Due to market conditions that may cause an unusual and rapid market price fluctuation or other conditions, the Customer cannot close the position at the price determined by the Customer and the risk controls applied by Exen Markets may not work.

The customer acknowledges that Exen Markets accepts no liability for a failure. Internet / Electronic Commerce Trading in Exen Markets’ trading system may differ from trading in other electronic trading systems and in the conventional or open market. Trading in the electronic trading system will expose you to system-related risks such as hardware and software failure, system downtime in relation to Exen Markets’ trading system or the individual customer’s system and the communication infrastructure (e.g. internet) connecting Exen Markets’ platform. with its customers. As a result of any system error, your order may not be executed according to your instructions or not executed at all, and there may be inability to keep you constantly informed of your positions and meeting margin requirements. Exen Markets does not take any responsibility for any claim, loss, damage, expense and expense arising directly or indirectly from any transmission, communication system, computer facility or any malfunction, breakdown or malfunction while the customer is transacting over the internet (on the internet).

Errors in Bidding If an error in bidding occurs (including in responses to Customer requests), Exen Markets is not responsible for errors in Account balances and reserves the right to make corrections or corrections to the relevant Account. Disputes arising from such quotation errors will be resolved at its sole discretion, acting in good faith from the relevant market when such an error occurs, based on the fair market value determined by Exen Markets. Where the prevailing market represents prices different from the prices Exen Markets has published on our screen, efforts will be made to execute Transactions at or close to current market prices. These prevailing market prices will ultimately be those reflected in the Client’s statements. This may or may not be adversely affected by the Client’s realized and unrealized gains and losses.

Terms and Conditions of Contracts You are responsible for fully understanding the rules of the transactions to be performed and/or the terms of the transactions to be performed and/or the Retail Customer Agreement, including but not limited to any terms describing risk factors such as volatility, liquidity and the like. Weekend Risk During a weekend (Friday 22:00 CET – Sunday 23:30 CET) or during a holiday in financial markets, usually close to closing, various situations can arise that can cause markets to open at a price that is significantly different from the closing location. Exen Markets clients cannot use the Exen Markets trading system to place or change orders on weekends, market holidays or other times when markets are generally closed.

There is a significant risk that the order-loss orders left to protect the open positions held in these periods will be executed at levels significantly worse than the determined price. Charges and Commissions Before you start trading, you should find out from us the details of all commissions and other charges for which you are responsible. These charges affect your net profit or loss. Money and collateral You agree that you can afford to forfeit the amount you have paid to Exen Markets as a deposit. When you deposit money with us, it will usually be held in a segregated client’s account with one or more authorized credit and/or banking institutions located in Europe and/or an EEA member state/or as specified on the Exen Markets website.

You agree that holding funds in a segregated customer’s account does not provide complete protection, particularly in the event of the bankruptcy of any third-party entity entrusted by Exen Markets to hold the customer’s assets. Risks Specific to Asset Management and Advisory Services Personal Investing. There is no obligation to stop trading when the assets on the account are significantly reduced. Therefore, the client undertakes to control the development of his account in order to terminate the asset management service if he considers that the results are not suitable for his expectations or needs.


Communication with the Customer

The Company may contact its customers from time to time by telephone or e-mail in order to offer information about financial transactions, to provide information or to inform about current promotions. Customers confirm that they consent to such communication with them with the terms and conditions they have approved while becoming a member of the Company. If our customers, who do not want such communication with them, want to leave our daily e-mail mailing list at any time, they can easily exit the e-bulletin membership with one click by clicking the “Please click to unsubscribe from our e-bulletin list” link at the bottom of the e-mails we send. Messages can only be used by Company officials for review and storage in order to provide better customer satisfaction and a more efficient transaction infrastructure. These messages are in no way shared with unauthorized persons outside the institution.


Terms of Use

“Investment consultancy service is provided by authorized institutions by taking into consideration the risk and return preferences of individuals. The investment information, comments and recommendations contained herein are not within the scope of investment consultancy but are of a general nature. Making an investment decision based only on the information contained herein is based on your financial situation and risk and risk. return may not produce results that suit your preferences.” Exen Markets cannot be held responsible in any way for direct and/or indirect damages, material and moral damages, lost profits and damages that third parties may suffer as a result of using the information on the educational content or promotional pages. Exen Markets reserves the right to make changes in the transaction conditions, bonus campaign conditions including withdrawals, leverage rates and/or spread features at every stage as it deems necessary. The change will be deemed to have entered into force with the notification to be made to the customer via e-mail, sms or call.


Risk Statement